среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

at all cost the band

My thesis statement for my paper is ldquo;Media is a very important factor in our lives, and people cannot go without using some for of it.rdquo;� My goal was to show the fact that we, as a society, rely a lot on media.� People use media everyday whether they know it or not and we are very dependable on it.� My focus was to pull out that fact and show how media-based we are as a society.�
��� I believe that the strengths of my paper were my examples.� I had very strong examples from my media journal, and using the example of my aunt.� I believe that they were very strong and helped to prove the point that I was going for in my thesis statement.� I believe that weaknesses in my paper probably would have been the second paragraph.� I know that it had too many ideas in it, but I could not figure out how to word it without making it that way.� To me, it just didnrsquo;t feel like it fit anywhere else in the paper.� I tried to change it, but I didnrsquo;t end up doing it because I couldnrsquo;t figure out any way to do it.
��� My favorite part of this project was being able to take the pictures for the essay.� It gave me the ability to be a little more creative and to show what was important to me, instead of just writing it.� It gave the project a little more individuality too, instead of just being another paper you had to write.� It made it a little more fun.� My least favorite part would have been the media journal.� Even though it helped tremendously in writing the paper, it was very tedious to remember to write EVERYTHING down that we used and when and for how long.
��� I hope that the reader will take away the value of media.� We use it everyday, and without it we would not function as well.� We use it as a form of gaining knowledge and learning things; without that we would not know nearly as much as we do now.� We could learn it somehow, but it would make it a lot harder to be able to obtain it.� Media, in a way, shapes us and makes us who we are.

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